Sunday, June 10, 2007

Food Final Question 2

The history of food is as old as history itself. Human life has been dependent on food in every stage of life. Nonetheless, the function of food has changed vastly throughout time to meet the needs of the people living in that era. Humans have undergone a transformation from relying on hunting and gathering to relying on industrial agriculture. Because of the state that we are in right now, society is heading into a capricious direction. We cannot predict the future state of food unless we make drastic changes as soon as possible.
For thousands of years, humans were hunter gatherers. They thrived because they utilized many resources lightly rather than depending on just a few resources. This made sure there was an abundance of all resources. Hunter gatherers would adapt to every climate and condition that they faced, as well as enjoying a diverse diet. Gender roles were about equal as women did most of the foraging and men did most of the hunting. Since they were constantly on the move, hunter gatherers could not develop an economic specialization. (Washington State University)
Around 10,000 years ago, agriculture emerged around river valleys, altering society for years to come. According to Richard Heinberg, a centuries long food crisis triggered by the over-hunting of mega fauna, which are large animals living in a certain period or area, led to the development of agriculture. This caused humans to settle down in communities and use the resources just in that vicinity, as well as domesticating animals and plants. Agriculture helped support larger and more sedentary populations by increasing food per unit of land productivity. Moreover, domesticated animals were being raised by humans and also assisted the growing of the field crops.
As beneficial as it was, agriculture entailed many consequences to society. Heinberg’s ‘50 million Farmers,’ manifested these changes.
“Plowing fields was men’s work; women were forced to stay at home and
lost social power. Larger seasonal surpluses required management as well
as protection from raiders; full-time managers and specialists in violence proliferated as a result. Societies became multi-layered: wealthy ruling
classes sat atop an economic pyramid that came to include scribes, soldiers, and
religious functionaries, and that was supported at its base by the vastly more numerous peasants…”

Hence, Sexism, social stratification and warfare resulted from agriculture. Obviously, agriculture was meant to be for the good of all people, but the conditions inherent with agriculture caused social problems that still exist today.
The food system remained this way for a long time without many major changes. The only major changes in agriculture leading up to the 20th century were to put more land into production and more effective tools of farming. Finally, the beginning of the 20th century brought cheap fossil fuel energy and high tech farm machinery. By the time World War 2 was over, pesticides and fertilizers were introduced. The United States began having an industrial food system and created an agriculture policy that began favoring larger farms and the exportation of U.S. products.
Today, agriculture accounts for about 17 percent of the U.S. annual energy budget and large farms are growing so much of the same crops that the prices of the crops have gone so low. It is without question that there is enough food in this world and that there are places to buy food at such low prices. The problem is that food isn’t being divided equally to everyone. According to chapter 6 of Omnivore’s Dilemma, “the number of people suffering from overnutrition—a billion—had officially surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition—800 million”. This is largely due to the fact that many people are eating too much food high in calories and fat. Obesity and heart related diseases have become a huge health issue in the United States, whereas, starvation and natural diseases have become the biggest health issues in 3rd world countries.
As we prepare for the future, we have to cope with the problems that we have created ourselves by constructing an industrial civilization. We have used way too much fossil fuel and natural resources. In addition, our attempts to create biofuels such as ethanol are not enough. Furthermore, we have destroyed habitats and the soil to grow food. It is imperative to modify the industrial food system before our civilization collapses. How do we address this problem? We look at a neighbor that recently had a similar fate and was able to survive.
In the early 1990’s when the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba lost its sources of cheap oil. The leaders had to devise ways to continue agriculture. Cuba broke up large, government owned farms, which are similar to the ones in the United States, and introduced small private farms and farmer markets. Urban gardens were encouraged and were a good way to ensure availability and accessibility to people living in cities. Universities quickly added courses on agronomy and many people were encouraged to move to the countryside. Permaculture and Biointensive farming were other techniques used. All of these farming methods required minimal energy.
The United States can follow this example by encouraging various farming methods, educating people about the crisis that we are in and how we can ameliorate our situation. It is critical for this country that we abandon large corporate farms, cheap commodities and fast food. Currently, only 1% of Americans are involved with farming. It is imperative that at least 25% of Americans engage in small farming methods and that these farmers are supported by the government so that they can grow fruits and vegetables, as well as raising meat and poultry. The soil will slowly replenish and rejuvenate but it is our responsibility to put aside millions of acres of land so that it can be enriched. Once we minimize the use of fossil fuel, the supply will slowly be able to increase again. The federal government needs to pass many laws to make all of this possible.
In conclusion, the food systems in our society are constantly changing and whatever we do to make sure there is enough food for ourselves; we must take care of the resources of the land because the resources are limited. It is important to change the current industrial food system for our society to survive.

Food Final Question 1

Some people say that food in our culture is one aspect of a larger nightmare. This essay mostly agrees with this statement. Our world today has become an Industrial Civilization where industry is the source of every aspect of production in society, including food. Furthermore, Corporations set standards for what to eat and convince people to eat at fast food restaurants and to purchase readymade food from supermarkets because it is cheaper. The federal government strongly supports this way of life by buttressing the industries with benefits and subsidies. However, many people maintain traditions such as vegetarianism, kosher dietary laws and ethnic traditions.
Industrial civilization is civilization based on machinery and fossil fuels, which includes natural gas, coal and oil. Products of industrial civilization are mass produced in very large factories. Fast, mass production ensures large profits for corporations, which allows them to reduce the prices for the products, which subsequently attracts even more consumers. The government supports this practice because these corporations greatly help the economy and the GDP (gross domestic product). It can also be argued that unemployment is alleviated because many people are required to keep the factories going. Of course, there are many consequences of working in a factory such as unsanitary conditions, dangerous machinery and a low pay
Fossil fuels are quickly being used up by corporations and this is poses an important dilemma for the world. Oil is used for various purposes such as manufacturing products, the machinery itself, the production of food, and as gasoline for vehicles. The dilemma is that we are approaching or have passed peak oil. The theory of peak oil is that the extraction of oil will meet its maximum point, at the time where half of the oil will be exhausted. The United States reached peak oil in the 1970’s, and has since imported oil from all around the world. We are devouring our oil reserves and this has contributed to worldwide peak oil and record gasoline prices.
Not having enough natural resources such as oil is a scary thought, yet there are more things to worry about. Through immense advertising and the tens of thousands of fast food locations across the United States, the fast food industry has soared over the past few decades. Some of the most profitable public and private corporations today are fast food corporations, or prepare food for fast food corporations. The list includes McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Cargill and ADM. In addition, the people that run the franchisees for the fast food chains, struggle to get money for themselves. This is illustrated in the 4th chapter of Fast Food Nation. “It costs about $100,000 to open a subway restaurant, the lowest investment required by any of the major fast food chains. The annual royalty Subway takes from its franchisees—8 perfect of total revenues—is among the highest.” According to the 7th chapter of Omnivore’s Dilemma, fast food is directly linked to obesity Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Yet, one out of every three children eats fast food every single day. And to note, fast food isn’t only purchased at fast food chains, it can be purchases as readymade, microwaveable food at a supermarket.
Food is one aspect of a larger nightmare, but there are still many people who go against the large corporations by conforming to different ways of eating. For instance, vegetarians refuse to eat the meat, poultry, fish and dairy products, which are mass produced, and kosher dietary laws force some to slow the process of producing in order to follow the laws that are necessary. In addition, many ethnic groups prefer to cook their own food every day and to eat together as a family. This definitely does not support the fast food industry. As for corporations other than food corporations, some car manufacturers are now making Hybrid cars that have much more mileage per gallon. This at least attempts to conserve the use of oil.
Hence, we are living in an industrial civilization where corporations dominate our way of life, accumulate huge profits, and mass produce with the use of fossil fuels and machinery. Food in our culture is one aspect of a larger nightmare, but there is still hope to change this lifestyle.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Industrial Food Paper 2nd Draft

The United States and other developed countries have developed a complex Industrial Food System (IFS) over the past 50 years. Industrial Food is the mass production of cattle, poultry, fish and crops by utilizing methods used to produce the highest output at the lowest cost. This includes cramming animals together in small areas before they are slaughtered and used for food. Industrial Food is also heavily dependent on fossil fuels and genetic engineering.
The food industry has turned from a system in which independent farmers sell all their livestock, fish and crops with their own conditions into a system in which large corporations, such as Fast Food chains, essentially have a vertical monopoly over the industry. This means that the corporations engage in the many aspects of the production. McDonalds, for example, owns the farms that have the crops and animals. It owns the plants that process the food and it owns the fast food restaurants. Most of us are part of the IFS whether we work for the food corporations, buy food from supermarkets, eat out for dinner, work on the farms or work in the processing plants.
Food corporations attempt to use as much as they can from the crops and animals that they grow and raise. One instance is corn, perhaps the most important crop in the country. According to Iowa Corn, 11.2 billion bushels of corn was produced in 2005. It can be argued that every processed food in our houses can somehow be extrapolated from corn. This essential crop isn’t only used as food for us. Corn is fed to livestock, used as fuel ethanol, used in plastics and even processed for paper.
The food industry has evolved in the ways that were aforementioned because of the necessity of providing for the inhabitants of our country. The United States population reached 300 million this year and is rising sharply. Thus, it is imperative to efficiently produce enough food so no one will go hungry. As a result, the Industrial Food System has been effective in providing food for Americans. It is easy for us to eat already made food at fast food restaurants and to purchase processed foods that are easy to eat, so the IFS has ultimately become our primary source of nutrition.
The Industrial Food System has some benefits, but there are far more problems inherent in it. Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser, summarizes this very well. “The transformation of cattle into industrial commodities has created labor, environmental, food-safety, and animal-welfare problems.” (p. 8) Animals are overcrowded in the factories and are given synthetic antibiotics, animals are given enormous quantities of food, some of which are not natural for them, to make them much bigger. Animal wastes are improperly recycled by being dumped into rivers or not being removed from the pens in which animals are raised. This causes disease and pollution. Moreover, lots of natural resources are used up and the methods of killing livestock and poultry are considered inhumane. In addition, the workers in the factories that work on assembly lines can catch diseases from animals and inadvertently harm themselves while using machinery.
The consumers of the IFS face various health problems. So many Americans do not know their limit and eat too much. Whether it is caused by food from the supermarket or fast food, Americans are becoming extremely overweight. According to U.S. News and World Report, 32% of American adults are obese. (p. 44) Also, one out of three adults eventually gets Type 2 diabetes. In addition, many cardiovascular problems are associated with obesity. These problems include Hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke and blocked arteries, which leads to heart attacks.
The renowned German philosopher, Martin Heidegger, once said, “Agriculture is now a motorized food industry, the same thing in its essence as the production of corpses in the gas chambers and the extermination camps, the same thing as blockades and the reduction of countries to famine, the same thing as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.” This is the true essence of the current food industry because livestock and poultry aren’t viewed as animals, but as commodities. They are intended to be created into as many products as possible by utilizing technologically advanced methods that are considered by some to be unethical. Furthermore, the earth is being stripped for its rich resources and huge portions of land in the United States is being set aside solely for farmland and industrial factories.
The IFS is significant to us because it affects our lifestyle and how we eat. Food might be taken for granted sometimes but it surely used up all the time. The earth is being stripped for its resources to provide food for all the human beings on this planet and to keep the IFS going strong. People are always worried about money. For the economy to stay strong, for food to be available all the time however way we wish it to be and for the prices of food to stay low, we must continue investing into the system unless we find a better alternative. This is because the IFS represents this ideology of producing as much as possible and getting the most out of our resources while making as much money off of it or saving the most money.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Comment on Gary's Industrial Food paper

I can tell that your focus is our corn is the essential aspect of the IFS. Therefore, be sure to let people know this is your focus. I would also recommend you to talk about health problems associated with people eating Industrial food.

Comment on Isabella's Industrial Food Paper

I recognize that your thesis pertains to "The Machine" in the food industry. I like how you emphasized the effects of the machine on our country as a whole, but you can discuss further the problems with the IFS. In addition, your definition should of the IFS should be unambiguous so it could help you organize the content of your paper. Very promising paper.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Industrial Agriculture

Omnivore's Dilemma:
It has significant insight into Industrial Agriculture suppored by numerous facts. This book is good for finding quotes about this issue.
Fast Food Nation:
This is another book that talks alot about Industrial Agriculture. Written in a different way than Omnivore's Dilemma.
"Daily Bread":
Great footage depicting animals being raised and slaughtered. As well as, non-animal food products being grown. Shows patterns in the industry without using dialouge.
Writting discussion preps:
This allows us to further articulate our thoughts and observations pertaining to Industrial Agriculture. This was done with the books we read.
The Meatrix:
Sums up the essence of what we need to know in short clips. The animation can guide anyone along.
Fast Food Experiences:
This offers a first hand experience. We can see what happens after food is processed and at the end of the food industry chain.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

McDonald's has a new problem

On sunday, I went to a McDonald's in Astoria. After thinking about what I would do for food class, I came up with a plan. I was determined to demonstrate how the food people were eating was detrimental to their health. On posterboard I wrote "McDonald's Kills You!!!" Then I listed as many health problems as possible that can be linked to consuming a lot of fast food. The list was as follows:
-Heart Disease
-Heart Attack
-Food Poisoning

So, I walked into the store and went to the top floor. I held up the sign and said "McDonald's Kills You" in a louder voice. I walked right up to people and showed them the sign so they could read it. In this 15 minute episode, I sat down next to people and just stared at them. Eventually a worker asked me to leave the premises before he called the manager and I didn't want to cause more trouble. SO I left with a nervous, but satisfied look on my face.

I received various reactions. A few times people kindly or belligerently told me to leave them alone. One person told me that he didn't give a shit what I had to say because it is none of my business and he cursed at me. An elderly woman made me laugh when she told me she had diabetes, for the obvious reason. So I told her that there are so many other places to eat out and cautioned her against eating at McDonald's and she promised me she would stop. A group of young women told me for what purpose was I acting for and I told her that I feel strongly about this subject and I want people to be cognizant of what they eat and know the serious health issues entailed. The women seemed very interested and then left shortly after. SO I guess my day was somewhat successful. It was defintely scary for me to do this alone because I feel more comfortable working with other people.

Friday, March 2, 2007

My Comment on Simone's Diet Paper

Great insight and nice use of quotes and citations.
My only area of concern is to prove that there are chemical additives in our meat. Otherwise, great job.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Investigation of the Supermarket

I examined the supermarket through two lenses; the philosophical and economical lenses. I looked at various food products.

Here are the questions that I posed through these two lenses:

How do supermarkets make deals with farms?
Why do identical items that are packaged by different companies vary in price?
How do small farms compete with eachother over items such as milk, eggs and fruit?
What are the affects of manufacturing breads that are healthier and have labels such as "light"?
How does one know to choose from different cuts of chicken?
What if competing farm companies were actually owned by the same larger corporation?
Where is the line between fair business and monopoly?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Experience at Wendy's

I eat fast food multiple times a week, mostly at lunchtime because it is hard to eat at a restaurant in less than a 45 minute time frame. I decided afterschool to eat at Wendy's.

The prices at wendy's are relatively cheap so I tried to order a meal that fit me in taste and price. I had two orders of 5 piece chicken nuggets and an order of fries. The cost of the meal was $3.21 so I was delighted. Of course it tasted delicious, especially with ketchup and barbeque sauce. I noticed that my meal consisted of a superfluous amount of sodium and sweeteners. And even though there wasn't much I was full and satisfied. After a few minutes, my stomach began to feel unwell, so I took it easy. Nonetheless, I will eat this meal sometime in the near future because it is so good. I wish the health benefits compared!

Planting Wheat

Ok, so the winter and early spring is a good time to plant wheat, so we can plant wheat as soon as possible. There are a variety of wheat types. I say we should plant durum because it is one of the cheaper ones and I know that semolina, which is a major ingredient in pasta, is derived from the durum type.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Wheat Team

I think fruits, vegetables and non-fat diary products are the healthiest foods because they are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fibers and have infinitestimal amounts of unhealthy components that animals have such as cholesteral, saturated fat and other fats.

In an indeal 3 day time frame, my meals would look like this. Not all my meals are necessarily healthy.

Day 1: For breakfast I would have a few bowls of various cereals. For Lunch I would have a turkey sandwich with honey mustard and a salad. For dinner I would have Hamburgers and cole slaw.

Day 2: I would start out my day with a banana, a bagel and chocolate milk. For Lunch I would have a bowl of pasta with marinara sauce and paremsen cheese on top. For dinner I would have chicken cutlets and a salad.

Day 3: I would have french toast and yogurt for breakfast. For Lunch I would have 3 slices of pizza and garlic knots. For dinner I would have chicken marsala and chicken soup.

Monday, February 5, 2007

My Meal Part 2

My Meal consists of Eggs and Pasta. As I put the egg in my mouth, the layers crumble very easily. It is very moist and very soft. The pieces bounce between my teeth and I feel a gathering on the right side of my mouth. As I finish the eggs my tongue is feeling a bit oily.

The fusili pasta is topped with marinara sauce. I consume a mouthful of pasta and all my teeth share their love of shredding. My mouth is very watery and the tomato sauce blends very well. The pasta vanishes very quickly and I am glad because I can eat even more of it. I wash it down with a glass of orange juice. It is very acidic and I have the urge for water to complete my meal.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

My Meal

It was a special occasion so I had a huge dinner. It all started with the usual green salad. I enjoyed the combination of the mixed greens and organic lettuce. I was enjoying a healthy salad that was also delicious.

After eating the salad, I carefully chose a selection of fries and chicken tenders. I put a lot of ketchup on my plate to add flavor. The fries tasted so good and they were so salty that I needed a few drinks of water to go with them. The chicken tenders were spicy but tasted as they were fresh out of the oven. I also had ribs. The meat was very tough and I tasted all the juices gushing in my mouth.

For desert, I had a red delicious apple. It was the sweetest thing I had the entire meal. It was a bit tart and I ended the meal with that sensation in my mouth.

Friday, February 2, 2007

fridge stuff
